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 17 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Jules Guerin"Advanced Search
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Scribner's for May, c1899 - 1906. Creator: Jules Guerin.
Scribner's for July, c1899 - 1906. Creator: Jules Guerin.
'The Mosque of Suleiman at Constantinople', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Roman Amphitheater at Pola', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Market-Place at Spalato', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Rector's Palace and the Public Square at Ragusa', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Parthenon at Athens', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Temple of Athene Nike at Athens', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Acropolis at Athens, early morning', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Temple of Poseidon and Athene at Sunium', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Temple of Poseidon and Athene or Aegina', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Site of Ancient Delphi', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Grand Bazaar in Constantinople', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Mosque of the Yeni-Valide-Jamissi, Constantinople', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Royal Gate leading to the old Seraglio', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'The Mosque of Santa Sophia', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.
'In the Cemetery of Eyub, on the Golden Horn', 1913. Artist: Jules Guerin.